Thursday, July 2, 2009

"tragedi dibilik asrama utm"...yep..its tragic

Posted by fazza at 5:44 PM
Few days ago, not sure 3 or 2 days ago....a friend' text message wake me up at 2.30 a.m asking my whereabout.....and asking me some questions that make me feel uncomfortable and worried. "td ade polis and ambulans datang kat kolej 9...tau tak knape?". He was worried because his sister just regeistered to the same college.

Since I was at my hometown at that moment, so i asked some friends who are at the college. At 2.30 am, i'm not really hoping for someone to reply, but then ezah replied "mane kau tau?". Just like that, then when i explained, she's not responding to my text message anymore.

Then the next morning, another friend replied and said, "i'll tell u when u got back here..nanti kite borak-borakla". So, nobody's want to tell untill today, i read on someone's blog dat linked to the harian metro website. Here's a bit of the story...

Tragedi di bilik asrama UTM

Oleh Intan Mas Ayu Shahimi

JOHOR BAHRU: Sedih dan menyayat hati! Itu nasib malang seorang bekas pelajar wanita berusia 26 tahun yang ditemui mati dipercayai akibat pendarahan serius selepas melahirkan anak dalam keadaan serba kekurangan di sebuah bilik asrama di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai dekat sini, petang kelmarin.

Lebih malang lagi, bekas pelajar tahun empat itu dipercayai menderita keseorangan ketika melahirkan anak dan hanya ditemui kira-kira jam 5 petang, selepas lebih dua hari Allahyarham menghembuskan nafas terakhir.

When i heard the news, ofcourse it give me a goosebump! That's my college! Ow....
Okay....I believe whatever happen, it sure happen for a this point, I just want to say let the soul to rest in peace. Al-Fatihah....

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