Sunday, July 3, 2011

blog baru...

Posted by fazza at 10:16 PM 1 comments
wa ade blog baru..hehe. gedik je nk byk2 blog tp malas nk hapdate. gr tgok.. :P

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Posted by fazza at 11:20 PM 0 comments kali ni nak stosy sket pasal cincin. cincin utk lelaki.
lelaki muslim, diharamkan memakai emas.

SOALAN: emas xboleh pakai. pakai la suasa.
(erm..soalan ke tu?.huhu)

JAWAPAN: sebenarnye ni nk btaw ni...suasa pun sebnarnye adalah campuran perak+emas. oleh sebab kandungan emas lebih bnyak dlm emas, maka ia dihukumkan emas dan dilarang dipakai oleh lelaki. (hukum2 ni wa xletak k..wajuge xreti..cni tgok). MAnakala, pemakaian cincin perak adalah sunnah bagi lelaki. ini adalah kerana Rasulullah SAW pernah memakai cincin diperbuat daripada perak sehingga baginda wafat.

SOALAN : emas putih??? laki boleh pakai?
JAWAPAN: Emas putih sbnarnye adalah emas yg dah dilunturkan. so xboley k. xboleh.

KESIMPULAN: lelaki muslim anda pakai cincin perak/platinum je taw.

cantek gile cincin ni. simple je tp stylo. sesuai untuk laki sejati..kehkeh
pergh..yg ni lg cun. lord of the ring beb.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

jujurlah padaku

Posted by fazza at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Ini adalah post yang SERIUS. Sila baca dengan penuh emosi dan kening berkerut.

Post ini ditujukan kepada mereka yang menganggap, tipu/ tipu sunat/ atau yang sewaktu dengannya itu tak apa. Sebelum tu, baca dulu hadis tentang ciri-ciri orang munafik ni (.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang maksudnya:
“Ada empat perkara, sesiapa yang melakukannya maka ia adalah seorang munafik tulen. Sesiapa yang melakukan satu daripada empat perkara itu, maka ia mempunyai salah satu daripada sifat munafik, hingga dia meninggalkannya . (Empat sifat itu ialah) apabila dipercayai ia khianat, apabila bercakap ia berdusta, apabila berjanji ia mungkir dan apabila bertengkar ia mengenepikan kebenaran.(Menegakkan benang basah ) “.
Riwayat Ahmad

Sejauh manakah anda percaya dengan orang yang berada disekitar anda? Sejauh manakah orang yang paling rapat dengan kita boleh dipercayai? Jujurkah mereka dengan anda? Atau..jujurkah mereka dengan anda? Aku tak tahu orang lain. Tapi aku tak suka orang yang tak jujur. There's no such things as white lies. Tipu sunat? ape kejadah tuh. akan tetap jadik penipu jugak. Tolonglah jangan memperjudikan kepercayaan orang lain dengan menipu. walaupun terhadap benda yang remeh. (oh.~) . "Laa..bukan niat nak tipu pun..aku takut dia kecik ati." Yang ni tipu sebab nak jaga hati orang/takot kantoi etc. Kalau orang tu tahu kau menipu, dia jadi suka hati sampai melompat2 ke? Niat nak jaga hati orang lain tu memang baik, tapi kau pikirlah sendiri, ade ke hubungan yang berjaya dengan dengan menipu. ade ke orang yang akan percaya kau lagi lepas ni. Kecik tak hati member tu kalo tau kau ni bermuka2, bertalam-talam, cakap belit-belit.

~aku susah nak percaya orang. tapi kalo orang yang aku percaya tak jujur/hipokrit, aku dah tak boleh percaya kau lagi dah. sori.
~ade dua kategori manusia yang paling aku tak suka.
1. Manusia yang tak jujur/hipokrit~payah sangat ke nak berterus-terang?
2. Manusia yang tak boeh menepati janji. Sila jangan buat janji palsu dengan aku.

semoga aku terhindar daripada dua golongan manusia ini.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Posted by fazza at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Gmbr atas: agak gedik la kan,..haha..

gmbar atas: Uuu...tersiput-siput..~~~

gmbr atas: yg ni sume candid, but nice

gmbr atas: ngan family :*

gmbar ats: beliau..auww~~

p/s-saje2 nk share gmbr. kalo nyampah sile tutup cpat2 k..hehe

Sunday, February 20, 2011

tragedi di pagi sabtu

Posted by fazza at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Td sy ondaway g skolah. biaselah..skolah xjauh pun. 5-10 minit leh sampai kalo kete xbyk. ok..sesampainye sy disimpang, mase nk membelok ke laluan ke skolah nmpak ade sebelah slipar croc kale hitam kat atas jalan tu....
Pastu sy ushar2 la jalan tu..nmpak cam ade kesan kaler coklat kemerah-merahan n serpihan2 bnda asing gtu atas jalan.

Hoh..tetibe sy jd semakin cuak. erm...darah ke tuh? kalo darah eksiden, biasenye bomba akan siram ngan air. haruslah positif. Tarik nafas...hembus..relaks2...
mungkin itu kesan tumpahan air milo.
Tp bnyak benda tu...pergh..
Mula terfikir kalo darah mesti org tuh da cedera parah.
Pastu mesti roh dia xtenteram sbb kereta sy sdang bergerak di atas tempat kejadian.
Tayar bergerak di atas darah.
(hurm..imaginasi da mcm cite puaka jalan plak dah)

then tgah khayal2 tu wa ntah cmne tah sy terlanggar divider...ala..benda yg xbergerak kat tepi jalan tu.
hoh..tension rasenye sy...
pasal jalan besar..keta xde...
yang sy pegi hentam divider tuh wat pe.

okeh..tu jela yg sy nk cite.
jangan berangan semasa sedang memandu.
sesungguhnya melanggar divider boleh menyebabkan sportrim anda kemek.


ini ialah imej ferrari yg dirembat drp encik abang.
"kereta kecil warna merah, boleh ku bawa ke sekolah"~

Monday, December 20, 2010

Posted by fazza at 1:20 PM 0 comments

Hurm..lame gile dah x update. mcm lupe sudah ade blog. Oh!.
Cuti2 nih..byk explore2 resepi je kat intenet..hehe. bz2 kan diri kat dapo, wat experiment. (Oh..da lame juge x masuk chem. lab or computer lab. Dem!).
*tibe2 rendu maw wat keja yg betul2 suke..hurm*

Oklah.. takpe..balik pade topik asal, just nak share kat sini resepi2 yg bagus yg i da pnah try beserta dengan gmbr nye skali :D

BUBUR ASYURA (ni boley dapat sekawah besar nih. i carik resepi utk wat ngan jiran2 ;))

1kg tepung beras
1kg gula pasir
½kg gula merah (masak dan ditapis)
½kg kacang kuda (direbus)
1kg kacang hijau (direbus)
½kg kacangtanah(digoreng tanpa minyak)
2kg ubi keledek (dipotong kecil dan direbus separuh masak)
2kg pisang
200g sagu
3 tongkol jagung segar
1kg pati santan
Garam secukup rasa
2 helai daun pandan

1.Bancuh tepung beras bersama 7 liter
air,kacau di atas api.
2.Masukkan pati santan dan daun
pandan.Kacau lagi sehingga pekat.
3.Masukkan gula pasir,gula merah dan
4.Masukkan kacang hijau,kacang kuda,
jagung dan keledek.
5.Masukkan kesemua bahan yang lain dan
kacau sehingga masak.
6.Bila sudah masak tuang ke dalam acuan
dan sejukkan sebelum dipotong.

sumber: Click!


1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
1 1/2 cawan air gula merah ( 1 1/2 cwn gula merah+1/2 cawan gula pasir+1cawan air) dimasak, sejukkan
2 cawan santan cair

1/2 cwn tepung beras
3 cawan santan
4sdb tepung jagung
1sdk garam
campur smua bahan dan panaskan sebentar seniasa digaul sekadar panaskan saja,jgn sampai bergentel.

sumber: click!

pastu tadik ade wat laksa. sbb da slalu wat, i main agak2 ikut suke hati je. so yg ni i punye resepi lah..hehe


Bahan kuah (5-10 org mkn)
1 kg ikan (kembong/selar/parang/ape2 je)~rebus, buang tulang, dikisar
5 bunge kantan
5 keping asam keping
daun kesum
10 biji cili padi, 3 biji bawang besar, 2 btg serai (semua ni kisar)
3 sudu kecil cili serbuk

cili besar
telur rebus

mi laksa
tepung beras
tepung jagung/ tepung sagu-2 sudu besar
air panas untuk membancuh.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The rememberance.

Posted by fazza at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Warning Signs That He's Not Over His Ex

1. Constantly brings her up in conversation
This is obvious sign #1. If he's talking about her all the time, then clearly he still has feelings for the girl. Even if he speaks about her in a negative way, the fact of the matter is that the thought of her is still fresh in his mind.

2. Compares her to you
If your new boyfriend starts to compare you to his ex, this is a sign that he may not be over her just yet. At first, you may be able to shrug this off with little to no problem, but after a while (if it continues) it'll be annoying to hear time and time again -- not to mention, it's just not fair to you. Take this as a sign that he has unresolved feelings for his ex and get out.

3. Continues to hang out with her
Your beau insists on hanging out with his ex -- frequently. You put up with it because you don't want to be that girlfriend who creates annoying rules and restrictions for her man, but if you let him walk all over you, you'll be doing yourself and the relationship a major disservice. Don't be a pushover; stand up for yourself and voice your opinion if you find it inappropriate for him to constantly spend time with her when he has you too. If he gets defensive about the situation, then he's just not over his ex. Period.

4. Routinely calls her
Calling his ex routinely is not as bad as hanging out with her frequently, but usually, one leads to the other -- and besides, what could these two possibly have to talk about? Again, call him out on it and find out what the deal is before they start having "strictly platonic" sleepovers.

5. Accidentally calls you by her name...
This one is definitely never a good sign, but we'll give him one get-out-of-jail-free card if the relationship is still new and he's fresh out of a breakup. BUT, if this happens more than once and he doesn't profusely apologize for his mistake, don't let him off the hook so easily. That sting you feel when he mistakes your name for hers is not acceptable and you might want to rethink the relationship.

6. Holds onto memorabilia from his past relationship
As you get more comfortable in your new relationship, you start to rummage through his apartment only to find little trinkets and gifts from his ex. When you ask him about it and he retorts back with something along the lines of "Oh, I just can't get rid of that, it kind of holds sentimental value..." then a little red flag should immediately pop into your head. If, however, your guy is the extra sensitive type and he hasn't committed any of the aforementioned sins, you may still be in the clear.

7. Listens to morbid breakup music...
If your guy insists on listening to morbid music that suggests breaking up anywhere in the lyrics, then it might be a subtle sign that he's still clinging on to his past relationship -- either that, or he's just plain depressed. Maybe you even caught him playing "their song" on repeat one day in his room. Trust us, this is never a good sign.

8. Brings you to places that remind him of her...
If you thought that place by the tree in the park with the heart engraved on it was your special new spot, think again. Ask him why he constantly takes you to the same specific places. If he's repeating locations that he and his ex used to frequent, he may be taking you there because it brings back fond memories -- that don't involve you.

9. He's annoyed that she's dating someone...
Your boy announces that his ex is in a new relationship and expresses his discontent and disgust at the thought of the idea. Well, news flash! He's in a new relationship too -- and it's with you -- so he should have no reason to fret. Remind him of this important detail, but not before you take note of this definite red flag.

10. He keeps pictures of her...
Lastly, to top off all of his other unacceptable behavior, you discover that for some unknown reason, he still keeps pictures of his ex.

resource: click here

*** I would like to add one more:

11.he always want to keep track of her update, through either social networking site, blogs, her friends, family. or anybody connected to her. a sign that shows he still misses her. Mmmm..

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Posted by fazza at 6:39 PM 0 comments

today i scratched my Pon-Pon...sob2..
blame my unskilled driving technique...
br 3hari lorh...aduyai.
pergh..kene lg byk praktis ni.
kene lg byk kuar jln2 kot..huhu~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My nEw swEeWT BaBy :)

Posted by fazza at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Syukur..alhamdulillah dengan semua rezeki yang ade... :)


i) NEXT:
~tmbah menda2 yg takde tu. heh.
~tukar sportrim
~mekap biar lg sporty.

okeh! so ade sape2 maw sponsor untuk tujuan itu?hhuhuhu~

Sunday, August 8, 2010

sorrow sunday

Posted by fazza at 12:44 PM 0 comments
I wished tears could quickly washed away the pain that i cannot bear.
Drained all the memories that i wished i don't remember.
Wipe away the feeling i wished i never had.
it just.
it wont go away.
The tears are still there.
the heart still bleed.


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